WG1: Scientific goals and programme
Sub-task 1.1. Goals and Requirements. Develop goals from photon science and particle physics for advanced e-beam accelerators, including timeline. 5y, 10y, 20y goals and perspectives.
Sub-task 1.2 Technical R&D. Describe coherent programme for research on novel e-beam accelerators. What are the main components of this programme?
Sub-task 1.3 Ultimate reach. Investigate the ultimate energy and intensity reach with advanced accelerators.
Sub-task 1.4 Standards. Define reference measurements to qualify facilities for photon science and/or particle physics, including definition of standards.
Sub-task 1.5 Theory and Simulations. Foster inter-disciplinary work on theory and simulations, bringing together plasma, laser and beam models.
WG 2: Organisation, strategy and funding
Sub-task 2.1. White paper European strategy. Produce a white paper that defines a coherent European strategy for advanced accelerator R&D, maximizing synergy between different labs and projects.
Sub-task 2.2. Distributed Accelerator Test Facility. Create framework for open facilities. EuroNNAc2 to describe and further develop coherent network of test facilities, document capabilities, review requests, discuss work share. “Distributed accelerator test facility for photon science and particle physics”. The results will feed into the work of TIARA.
Sub-task 2.3. Pilot facility(ies). Vision on the time-scale of one or few centralized “big” facilities, beyond present projects. From “distributed test facility” to a “pilot e-beam facility”. Pilot facility runs 24h 7/7 to produce agreed e-beam. What does “big” mean? Beam parameters? How many? How to split beam time for synchrotron radiation, medical applications and High Energy Physics applications? The results will feed into the work of TIARA.
Sub-task 2.4. European proposals and contact to EU. Ask FP7/8 support for a “distributed open test facility”, including support for beam/laser time for users. Use also LaserLab opportunities. Prepare FP8 proposal for one or several pilot facilities.
Sub-task 2.5. Funding mechanisms Propose adequate funding mechanisms to support university-based accelerator research with long-term scientific benefits.
WG 3: Communication, training and technology transfer
Sub-task 3.1. Technology Transfer. Foster transfer of technology between communities and with industry.
Sub-task 3.2. Advanced Accelerator School. Creation of a “European School: From Conventional to Novel Accelerators”, linked to CAS or other series.
Sub-task 3.3. Training. Define training needs for students and specialists in advanced accelerator research. Propose training structures to address these needs.
Sub-task 3.4. Advanced Accelerator Conference. Evaluate the need for a European Advanced Accelerator Conference. Propose a scheme compatible with existing conferences.