For reference, please find here a link to the 2011 meeting: EuroNNAc Meeting 2011
For reference, please find here a link to the 2011 meeting: EuroNNAc Meeting 2011
2012 Meeting (preliminary information here)
Start of meeting: May 2, 09:00
End of meeting: May 4, 13:00
Place of meeting: CERN
Please send e-mail to the coordinators to announce that you will come!
The meeting is open and we encourage a broad participation at all levels of work responsibility. Especially students are also welcome and we could consider supporting a limited number.
Goals of the meeting:
a) Organize the three working groups (see here for definition). Select leader and deputy leader per working group. Define sub-task leaders.
b) Define strategies and detailed plans per working group, aiming at a coherent proposal for one or a few European and international pilot facilities for advanced accelerators.
c) We plan to prepare a written report on novel acceleration and the EuroNNAc network. A draft based on the EuroNNAc 2011 meeting can be discussed at EuroNNAc 2012 before publication in a journal (state-of-the-art, authorship, conclusions, strategic road map, ...).
d) Approve plans for a European conference for advanced accelerators, the first to take place in 2013. Define committees, scope, …
Preliminary outline:
May 2 am: Plenary session
May 2 pm: Three parallel sessions
May 3 am: Three parallel sessions
May 3 pm: Member's board meeting (restricted)
May 4 am: Plenary session
We try to arrange for webcast of plenary meeting and phone connectivity for parallel sessions and meeting of the member’s board. However, this cannot be guaranteed at present time (March 8, 2012).
e-mail address of coordinators: